FORS Silver

Did you know Invicta Couriers (Hire One’s sister company) is FORS Silver accredited?
There are a number of benefits to our customers, our drivers and the environment. Here is a summary of a few of those benefits:
At Invicta Couriers, every decision we make is a commitment to our drivers, the environment and our valued customers.
FORS silver accreditation makes that possible in the following ways:
Our well maintained fleet of vehicles enhance safety and are better for the environment. Our drivers have to perform daily checks on their vehicle and report any problems on their FORS app. Any issues are rectified immediately.
This benefits our customers by keeping our vehicles on the road without problems that may effect delivery times.
Our drivers have ongoing FORS training to ensure they are safe and professional. They cover courses on many subjects, recently they all completed on course on cycle safety. Keeping other road users safe is as much a priority for us as getting goods to you on time.
Keeping extensive, accurate records of both drivers and vehicles enables us to look after our vehicles, drivers and customers the best we possibly can.
Some delivery sites require FORS Silver accreditation. We ensure the correct vehicle is sent to the correct location.
This is just a summary of a few of the benefits of accreditation. If we can be of any assistance to you you can contact us on 01227 773030 or email